I see ALL of you, Virtually


Online sessions are a wonderful way to have options when it comes to supporting your well-being naturally.
Virtual sessions save time, fit more easily into your schedule, keep you out of traffic and keep you in the comfort of your own home.


Who can benefit from online sessions?

I support women dealing with symptoms of hormonal imbalance who are seeking to improve their current symptoms and overall health.

Unsure if your symptoms are related to hormonal imbalance? Check out this page and see if the symptoms sound familiar.

If you have read about hormonal imbalance and have questions I’m happy to answer them. Schedule a 30 minute consultation to discuss your situation here.

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How can I help?

The functional medicine model of care offers a patient-centered approach to chronic disease management. It seeks to answer the question, “Why are you ill?” so you can receive personalized, effective care for your needs. In our sessions, we spend time listening to you and gathering your medical history, lab tests and going over your health concerns. According to the information gathered, we create a comprehensive healing plan that is tailored to your needs. The plan will provide a tool kit that you'll be able to implement immediately to eliminate your symptoms and reach your health goals.

Our sessions will cover different topics that will help you build healthy habits that support your health goals. Our conversations will cover nutrition, supplements, stress management techniques, how to lead an active lifestyle, stretching exercises, acupressure points that help in various conditions and follow up blood tests as needed.